You are here: Reference > Rule types > Skin rules > Skin rules - Completing the New or Save As form

Skin rules
Completing the Create, Save As, or Specialization form

  1. About 
  2. New 
  3. Component Styles 
  4. Mixins 
  5. Base settings 
  6. Included Styles 
  7. Inheritance 
  8. History 


Create a skin rule by selecting Skin from the User Interface category.

Key parts:

A Skin rule has a single key part:




Type a name for the skin that begins with a letter, and uses only letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Additional creation options

Select the Inherit component formats and mixins from an existing skin to assign a parent skin to the new skin. The new skin will inherit styles from the parent.

Rule resolution

When searching for a Skin rule, the system

The class hierarchy is not relevant to rule resolution for skin rules. Time-qualified circumstances are not supported for skin rules.