The Image Viewer tool allows users to view images from within their Pega 7 Platform application, eliminating the need for other image viewing applications. Use the Image Viewer tool to zoom in and out, rotate, flip, adjust contrast, and more. For multi-page images, the viewer provides thumbnails for easy navigation. Supported image file formats include GIF, TIFF, BMP, JPG, and PNG.
The Image Viewer requires prerequisite software in order to run on a client workstation. If this software is not installed on the client, a message displays to the user and the required software is installed automatically if the user has appropriate Windows privileges.
The Image Viewer is frequently used in conjunction with Pega Document Scanning. In an expense report application, users can enter line items and scan receipts for each item. This creates a one-to-one relationship between a scanned attachment and a line item. During verification, each line item and its receipt can be displayed for easy and efficient review. Using the Image Viewer, you can select from multiple attachments to a work item.
To set up the Image Viewer in an application, include the standard local flow action Work-ViewImageAttachments in the appropriate assignment.
The flow action Work-.pyCreateScannedDocument allows users to scan a document and attach it to the work item. The flow action Work-AttachAFile allows users to attach files to the work object. To be viewed in the Image Viewer, however, images must be one of the supported formats listed above.
At runtime, a user invokes and uses the tool as follows:
View Image Attachments
from the Other Actions menu. The View Image Attachments window appears.The Image Viewer includes a toolbar for manipulating an image. The following table describes the functions on the toolbar.
Icon |
Name |
Description |
Prints the image. | ||
Zoom in | Enlarges the image for viewing. | |
Zoom out | Reduces the image for viewing. | |
Fit width | Enlarges the image horizontally to the width of the viewer window. (Some portion of the bottom of the image may not be visible.) | |
Best fit | Enlarges the image as much as possible within the viewer window. | |
Refresh | Returns the image to original display and cancels all edits. | |
First page | If there are multiple images in one attachment (multi-page image), displays the first image. | |
Previous page | If there are multiple pages in one attachment, moves from the current page the previous one. | |
Next page | If there are multiple pages in one attachment, moves from the current page to the next one. | |
Last page | If there are multiple pages in one attachment, displays the last image. | |
Go to page | When scanning multiple pages in one attachment, allows you to specify the page number you want to view. | |
Pan | Allows you to box a section within an image so that it fills the display window. | |
Rotate left | Rotates the image 90 degrees counter-clockwise. | |
Rotate right | Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise. | |
Flip horizontally | Inverts the image horizontally (mirror image). | |
Flip vertically | Inverts the image vertically (upside down). | |
Convert to gray scale | Changes the image to up to 256 shades of gray. | |
Sharpen the image | Changes the image sharpness based upon a percentage value you enter. | |
Adjust contrast | Changes the image contrast based upon a percentage value you enter. | |
Invert color | Inverts colors of the image. |
attachment type | |