You are here: Record management > Branch development and merging > Merging branches

Merging branches

After development in a branch has reached a stable state, use the Merge Branches wizard to move the branch's contents into the base rulesets. The Merge Branches wizard helps identify potential conflicts so that you can address them before moving your changes.

  1. You must check in all rules into their base rulesets before you can merge them.

  2. A best practice is to lock all rules after development is complete before you start the wizard. See Locking all rulesets within a branch.
  3. If you want to retain a record of your branch and move branches across different development systems, you can package your branches before you start the wizard. See Packaging a branch.
  4. Open the application rule for your development application that contains the branch.
  5. On the Definition tab, in the Branch list, click Merge Branches. Select the branches that you want to merge and click OK. You can select all branches by clicking Select All or deselect all branches by clicking Deselect All.
  6. If there are conflicts or warnings, the Target version section displays a link that opens the Conflicts and Warnings window.
  7. You must resolve conflicts before you can merge branch rulesets.

  8. The Target checked out section displays the number of rules checked out from the base ruleset (the target destination for the rules to be merged). You must check in any checked out rules before you can merge.
  9. To see which rules are checked out and by whom, click the displayed number. In the report that opens, for each row, the Locked by column displays the operator ID of the user who has the rule checked out.

  10. In the drop-down box next to the Target version section, select the base ruleset version into which rules will be merged.
  11. The Number_of_passwords Passwordfield appears when you must supply a password. If you do not need to supply a password, proceed to step 10.
  12. Optional: Select the Keep all source rule and rulesets after merge check box to retain all the branch rulesets and the rules they contain after merging the rules into the base rulesets. By default, the system removes the branch rulesets and the rules they contain after a successful merge.
  13. Click Merge to start merging the rules from the branch rulesets into the selected targets.