After development in a branch has reached a stable state, use the Merge Branches wizard to move the branch's contents into the base rulesets. The Merge Branches wizard helps identify potential conflicts so that you can address them before moving your changes.
You must check in all rules into their base rulesets before you can merge them.
You must resolve conflicts before you can merge branch rulesets.
To see which rules are checked out and by whom, click the displayed number. In the report that opens, for each row, the Locked by column displays the operator ID of the user who has the rule checked out.
) : You can merge rules into an existing ruleset version in the base ruleset. If the existing base ruleset version is locked, its password is required in the appropriate Number_of_passwords Password field to merge rules into that ruleset version.As a best practice, the system administrator should be responsible for creating a new ruleset version for the base ruleset(independent of the merge wizard). Individual teams should be developing in their specific branches and then merging those branches into the existing base ruleset version created by the administrator. This process allows the administrators to have better control on versions and deliver enhancements accordingly.
Create New Version
is selected for the target and the base ruleset (the target) is password-protected for adding a new ruleset version. (This password is specified in the Security tab of the ruleset form).Enter the password that is required for adding a ruleset version to the base ruleset. This password is specified in the To Add a RuleSet Version field on the Security tab of the base ruleset ruleform. The system does not change the protection set on the base ruleset. Entering this password allows you to create a new ruleset version in the base ruleset and to then merge the rules into this ruleset version.
Enter the password, which was used to lock the ruleset version, for the selected ruleset version. Entering this password allows you to merge the rules into this locked ruleset version.
Enter the password that is required for updating a ruleset version. This password is specified in the To Update a Ruleset Version field in the Security tab of the base ruleset rule form. The system does not change the protection set on the base ruleset. Entering this password allows you to merge the rules into this ruleset version.
A best practice is to enter a password to lock the new ruleset version after the merge because in the multi-team environment that typically uses branches, locking the ruleset version alerts other teams that the features in that version are complete as of the point in time the version was created.