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Standard properties in the Assign- base class

The standard properties in the Assign- base class are available for every assignment object. This table identifies several of these, in alphabetical order ignoring the first two characters of the name. Most properties on this page are maintained by internal facilities and so are read-only (Read-only) to applications.

Many are optional or not applicable to specific applications. A few are essential control elements present in every assignment.



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pyActionTime Date and time after which processing of this assignment can start,. This can in some cases be later than pxAssignDateTime, the time it was created. Computed from the Assignment is ready for work field on the Events tab of the Service-level agreement form. Read-only  
pxAssignDateTime Date and time the assignment was created or most recently transferred (reassigned).  
pxAssignedOperatorID For worklist assignments, the Operator ID how has this assignment. worklist
pyAssignmentStatus A user-determined status, initially blank or New. Do not confuse with Work-.pyStatusWork, a status value for the work object. Automatically set to values starting with Error for problem assignments.

assignment status

problem assignment
pxFlowName Second key part of the flow that created this assignment. For Assign-Workbasket and Assign-Worklist classes, forms part of the instance key.Read-only  
pyInstructions Brief text indicating to a user the nature of the work needed to perform the assignment. Usually appears on the worklist.  
pxLateExecuteCount Count of the number of times that the Late portion of the service-level agreement has completed, initially 0.Read-only  
pyPerformActionTime Seconds taken when performing the current flow action.  
pyPerformAssignmentTime Time in seconds performed on this assignment, by one operator.  If the operator completed three local actions before finally choosing a connector action, this holds the sum of all four time intervals.Read-only  
pyPerformTaskTime Similar to pyPerformAssignmentTime, but not reset on reassign.  Sum of pyPerformAssignmentTime values for all operators who worked on the assignment.Read-only  
pxRefObjectClass Work type of the work item. work type
pxRefObjectKey Handle of the work item. Read-only  
pxServiceLevelName Service-level agreement associated with this assignment. Copied from the flow rule when the assignment is created. service-level agreement
pxSkillsDesired Can identify skills (Rule-Admin-Skill rule type) identified in the flow rule as desirable but not required for the operator who is to perform the assignment. router task
pxSkillsRequired Can identify skills (Rule-Admin-Skill rule type) identified in the flow rule as required for the operator who is to perform the assignment. router task
pxTaskLabel Internal label for this task.Read-only  
pxTaskName The name of the task in the flow for this assignment.  
pyTimeLimitUrgency Defines the yellow clock or red clock icon on worklist displays, determined by the service-level agreement for the assignment. Read-only goal, deadline
pxUrgencyAssignSLA An input value used in computing the assignment urgency pxUrgencyAssign. Copied from the Initial Urgency field on the Service-level agreement form.  
pxUrgencyAssign An urgency value for the assignment between 0 and 100, determining its order in a worklist display. Do not confuse this with the Work-.pyUrgencyWork property, the work item's overall urgency. Computed by a standard Declare Expression rule as the sum of other urgency values. Read-only urgency
pyUrgencyWork Urgency value of the work item at the time the assignment was created. Copied from Work-.pyUrgencyWork.Read-only urgency
pxWorkGroup For assignments on worklists, the worklist of the operator holding the assignment. work group

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