You are here: Project delivery > Application Overview landing page

Application Overview landing page

The Application Overview landing page provides a complete view of your application. Use the robust set of options to quickly capture information about, update, and document your application profile.

In the Designer Studio header, click the name of your application, and click Overview to open the Application Overview landing page.


This section displays the features that have been associated with the application. Click a feature to view its child features, rules that are associated with it, and additional details about the feature.


This section displays the high-level description for your application. Click the Edit icon to update the description. As a best practice, enter text that describes the purpose of your application or the business value it adds to the organization. The text you specify populates the Description field on the History tab of the Application form.

Business objectives

This section displays a list of expected business outcomes and objectives for your application. Click the Edit icon to add, edit, or delete objectives. The values you specify in this section are used to populate the Business objectives list on the Documentation tab of the Application form.

Top-level case types

This section displays a list of your top-level case types. Click the name to open the case type in Case Designer.

Project methodology

This section displays the selected development methodology for your application. Click Edit to select from a list of all supported methodologies. The value you specify populates the Project Methodology field on the Documentation tab of the Application form.

Technical details

This section displays the number of items in each application profile component.

Click any component name for more information: