You are here: Case management > Case types > Adding functionality to a case type > Enabling offline support for a case type

Enabling offline support for a case type

You can work on assignments and create cases while your device is offline. By enabling offline support for a case type, you allow case workers to move cases closer to resolution while your application is disconnected from the network.

  1. In the Explorer panel, click Cases, and then click the case type that you want to open.

  2. On the Settings tab, click General.

  3. Select the Enable offline check box to make offline work on assignments and cases possible.

  4. Optional: In the Sync issues workbasket field, specify where a work item should be routed if a synchronization problem occurs.

  5. In the Additional Cases Data Page field, select a data page that contains a list of IDs for cases to be stored for offline use.

    The additional cases data page is only used when defining a case type with the offline capability enabled. The actual cases to be packaged are taken from the pzInsKey property on the data page. The data page itself must already be defined in Case Designer and is only visible when the case has been enabled as offline.

  6. To disable server side post-processing of a flow action or a question smart shape for offline-enabled cases, select the Only perform post-processing on client check box.
  7. Click Save.

At run time, each case that you create or assignment that you complete is saved to a queue that is synchronized when a network connection is restored. Processing other steps, such as subprocesses or smart shapes, in a case is not supported while in offline mode.

Tip: Use an optimistic locking strategy for case types with offline support because it allows multiple users to work on a case at the same time.