You are here: Case management > Case types > Creating a hierarchy of case types > Creating a top-level case type

Creating a top-level case type

You can create a top-level case type to model the primary work that is accomplished in your application. Top-level case types can contain child case types.

  1. In the navigation panel, click Cases to view the list of current case types in your application.

  2. Click + Add a case type.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the case type.

  4. Optional: Expand the Advanced Settings section to configure the rule resolution for the case type.

  5. Click Finish.

The case type is added to your application, but it does not have a life cycle or data model defined. You can define these now or at a later time.

If you based the case type on an existing type, the data model shows any reusable fields.