You are here: Case management > Process modeling > Flows > Calling a subprocess from a flow

Calling a subprocess from a flow

You can use the Subprocess shape in a flow to call another flow in your application. By using subprocesses, you can compartmentalize functionality and simplify the presentation of a process in a case type.

Tip: To develop your flow more quickly, use Case Designer to add a subprocess to a stage in the life cycle of a case. Return to Process Modeler only if you need to configure advanced options.

For more information, see: Calling a subprocess.

To call a subprocess:

  1. Add the Subprocess shape to your flow.

  2. Double-click the Subprocess shape to open the property panel.

  3. In the Flow name field, press the Down Arrow key and select the name of a flow to run.

    If the flow supports input parameters, additional fields are displayed for you to define name-value pairs.

  4. Optional: To allow the parent flow to continue processing without waiting for the subprocess to return, select the Spinoff flow check box.

  5. Configure the context of the subprocess.

  6. Click Submit to close the property panel.

  7. Click Save.

You can test the functionality of the Subprocess shape by connecting it to other shapes and running your flow.