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More about MQ Listener data instances

  1. About 
  2. New 
  3. Listener Properties 
  4. MQ Properties 
  5. History 
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EAR versus WAR deployment

MQ listeners operations depend on whether Pega Platform is deployed as an Enterprise application (EAR file) or a Web application (WAR file). See PDN article Using MQ and JMS Services with Enterprise Application deployment.

When and how MQ listeners run

Three settings affect how MQ listener requestors run. They control whether the listeners can run, when the listeners start, and where the listeners can run:

  1. Whether — Controlled by the Blocked field on the Properties tab of this form.
  2. When — Controlled by the initServices/initMQ entry in the prconfig.xml file or Dynamic System Settings. (enabled by default)
  3. Where — Controlled by the node list on the Properties tab of this form.

Controlling whether listeners start

The Blocked check box on the Properties tab determines whether the listener requestors defined by this MQ Listener data instance start. If this check box is cleared, these listeners start when Pega Platform starts (on eligible nodes). You can also stop and restart them using the Listener Management menu in the System Management application.

If the Blocked check box is selected, they do not start when a Pega Platform node starts and you cannot start them in the System Management Application until you clear the Blocked option and save the listener instance.

Controlling when listeners start

The prconfig.xml file or Dynamic System Settings control when MQ listeners start. To cause unblocked MQ listeners to start when Pega Platform starts, edit this file to add or update the initServices/initMQ setting:

<env name="initServices/initMQ" value="true"/>

If this entry is not present in the file, or the value is not set to "true","y" or "yes", you can start unblocked MQ listeners only from System Management Application.

Controlling where listeners run

The options listed in the Start Option property on the on the Properties tab determine where the listener starts. The following options are available.

Remote logging

Use the remote logging feature to debug MQ listeners:

About MQ Listener data instances