You are here: Case management > Case processing > Modifying a delegated record or data type

Modifying a delegated record or data type

You can modify records or data types that are delegated to you by developers. By using delegation, you can change the functionality of your application without involving additional staff members, such as database administrators and information technology professionals. For example, you an modify the body of an email template or delete an entry from a list of customer addresses.

  1. In Case Manager, click Configuration.

  2. To filter items by keywords, enter text in the search field.

  3. Click Edit to modify a delegated item.

    The type of information you can modify depends on the type of item and the options selected at the time of delegation.

  4. Click Check Out for a checked-in item to create a copy of the record in your personal ruleset. No one else can check out an record while it is checked out. The Check Out button appears when all of the following conditions are true:

  5. Click Check In for a checkout in your personal ruleset to copy the modified instance over the original instance in the public ruleset. This action also releases the lock so other operators can use the Check out action.

  6. Click Discard to delete a checked-out record from your personal ruleset. The original, unchecked-out record is not affected.

  7. Click Save.