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Customizing Visual Business Director (VBD) planner

When you open the VBD planner, the pyGetConfiguration activity under the Data-Decision-VBD-Configuration class gathers the information required to render the VBD planner. This information (dimensions, properties, and KPIs) is retrieved from Interaction History and forms the basis for visualizing decision results. The pyGetDimensions activity under the Data-Decision-VBD-DimensionDefinition class provides a number of customization points.

The description of the properties that represent the dimension determines the labels in VBD planner. If you want to change the default text (label), change the description of the corresponding property under the Data-Decision-IH-Dimension-<DimensionName> class.

You can also customize how dimensions are displayed in theVBD planner. The pySetupDimension activity under the Data-Decision-VBD-DimensionDefinition class can be circumstanced by dimension name. You can override the pyLevels value list to define a different sequence of properties for a given dimension, for example:

You can set the default level to be displayed for a dimension by overriding the pyDefaultLevel property for a given dimension, for example: