You are here: System operations > Node classification > Mapping listeners to node types

Mapping listeners to node types

To effectively use node classifications, you must map listeners to node types. When you start a node with a specific node type, the node runs only the listeners that are associated with that node type.

  1. Open a listener rule form in one of the following ways:

  2. In the Listener nodes section on the Properties tab, select NodeClassification based startup from the Startup option list.

    Note:  If you do not see the Startup option list, clear the Block startup check box.

  3. In the Classification section, click the Plus icon to add a node type.
  4. In the Node Type field, press the Down Arrow key and select a node type from the list. The listener runs for all the nodes that are started with the node type or types that you select.
  5. Optional: Repeat steps 3 through 4 to add another node type to the same listener.

  6. Click Save.

Note:  To run the listener on all the node types, select Run on all nodes from the Startup option list and save the rule form.