You are here: Business Intelligence Exchange (BIX) > Configuring the extraction environment > Specifying the database holding the engine code

Specifying the database with the engine code

Pega Platform stores engine code in the database as a CodeSet. Edit the file provided in the configuration directory of your BIX distribution to add database connection settings that specify the Pega Platform database holding the engine code.

  1. Specify the database connection settings using the naming convention:
  2. where:

    For example, to connect to an Oracle database:

  3. Specify any additional properties needed to connect to the database using the connectionProperties entry and provide a semicolon-separated list of values. For example:

Note: Set the system property com.pega.pegarules.bootstrap.ignorejndi to TRUE when using Pega-managed connections. This tells Pega Platform to ignore the JNDI data source information in the file and to use the Pega-managed connection settings instead.

Note: This functionality is available when you purchase and install the BIX application.