Configuring a Today widget on iOS
You can configure your custom mobile app for iOS to display a Today widget with a list of work objects. By default, the Today widget displays the current user's worklist. You can configured it to display data from a data page of your choice. The Today widget is available only for offline-enabled custom mobile apps. Your certificate set must include a widget provisioning file.
- Open your certificate set to check whether it includes a widget provisioning file. If it does not, upload a widget provisioning profile.
- Enable offline support for a case type.
- Click Designer Studio > Mobile > Configuration > Application settings.
- In the Widgets section, select Enable iOS Today widget.
- Select the default data page to display the current user's worklist or configure your own data page populate the widget with data:
- In the Data page for iOS widget autocomplete field, enter D_pyDefaultTodayWidgetSource.
- Next to the Data page for iOS widget field, click the Open icon to create a new data page record:
- In the Label field, enter a brief description of the data type.
- Enter an identifier that starts with D_.
- In the Apply to field, enter Data-Mobile-TodayWidget-Entry and click Create and Open.
- Configure the data page, click Save, and close the form.
- In the Data page for iOS widget autocomplete field, enter the identifier of the new data page.
- Click Save.
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