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Customizing the paused Android app notification

By default, when an app is paused, an Android device displays the custom mobile app's title in the notification bar and the "App paused" message in the notification area. You can modify both the app title and the default text that is displayed in the notification area.

  1. In Designer Studio, open your Pega Platform application.
  2. To change the title that is displayed in the notification bar:
    1. In the Designer Studio search text field, search for "App title" to open the pyCaption App title field value.

    2. In the Localized label tab, replace the "App title" value with a customized title in the To field.
    3. Save your changes.
  3. To change the text of the notification message:
    1. In the Designer Studio search text field, search for "App paused" to open the pyCaption App paused field value.

    2. In the Localized label tab, replace the "App paused" value with your customized message in the To field.
    3. Save your changes.



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