You are here: Case management > Process modeling > Flows > Adding asynchronous processing to a flow

Adding asynchronous processing to a flow

You can use the Split Join shape to call two or more subprocesses that later rejoin the parent flow. By dividing your independent business requirements into multiple flows, you can speed up processing and create different types of dependencies in your flow.

For example, you can validate tax information and perform a title search as part of a mortgage application flow. Different users can work on the assignments in each subproccess, and the parent flow continues when one or both of the subprocesses return.

To add asynchronous processing:

  1. Add the Split Join shape to your flow.

  2. Double-click the Split Join shape to open the property panel.

  3. In the Join field, select an option that defines how the parent flow waits to continue processing.

  4. If the parent flow waits for only some subprocesses to return, define the criteria that must be met before processing continues.

  5. Configure the subprocesses that run when the parent flow reaches the Split Join shape at run time.

    Note: Each subprocess runs asynchronously but not in parallel. When a user works on an assignment in one subprocess, the case is locked, which prevents others users from working on assignments in other subprocesses.

  6. Click Submit to close the property panel.

  7. Click Save.

You can test the Split-Join shape by connecting it to other shapes and running your flow.