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Map Value form
Completing the Matrix tab

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This tab contains a table of one column (for a one-dimensional map value) or two or more columns (for a two-dimensional map value). The order of rows and columns is important. Rows are evaluated from left to right, and columns from top to bottom.

Complete the Configuration tab before updating the Matrix tab. Labels that you enter on the Configuration tab appear on the Matrix tab to guide your input.

To limit possible results to values in a fixed list of constant values, complete the Configuration tab before the Matrix tab.

Adding rows and columns

You can add new rows and columns by clicking Configure rows and Configure columns, respectively. You can also perform these actions from the Configuration tab.

Assessing completeness and consistency

Optionally, you can use these buttons to determine whether the map value is complete and consistent (based on a static evaluation).



Show Conflicts

Mark with a warning icon any cells of the matrix that are unreachable. For example, if two rows are identical, the second row can never evaluate to true and so cannot affect the outcome of the rule.

Click the warning icon on a row to highlight with an orange background the other cells that cause a cell to be unreachable. The selected row is highlighted with a yellow background.

A map value that contains no such unreachable rows is called consistent.

Conflicts are also checked when you save the form, and when you use the Guardrails landing page to run the guardrails check for the application.

Conflicts do not prevent the rule from validating or executing, but may indicate that the rule does not implement the intended decision.


After you export a map value, you can make changes in the .xlxs file and import the updated file. The map value rule form is updated with the changes you made.

You must import the same file that you exported. You can change the name of the exported file and import the renamed file. However, you cannot import a file different from the one you exported.


The Default row and first rows are locked in the exported file. You cannot delete these rows, and you cannot insert rows when you select these rows.

The Default column is locked in the exported file. You cannot delete this column, and you cannot insert columns when you select this column.


Exports the map value in .xlxs format. After you make your changes and save this file, you can import it with your changes.

Show Completeness

Automatically add suggested rows that cover additional cases and reduce or eliminate the situations that fall through to the Default row. Suggested additions appear with a light green background. They are only suggestions; you can alter or eliminate them.

Entering row and column header

Each row and column has a header that defines both a label and a comparison. To create, review or update a row or column header:

  1. Click Configure rows or Configure columns. A pop-up window appears.
  2. Select a comparison operator: < > =, >=, <= or is missing. (If you omit an operator, the system assumes =.) Select is missing to detect that a property is not present — not that it is present but has the null value.
  3. Enter an expression. For each expression, you can enter a literal value, a property reference or a more complex expression, including function calls.

The keyword Default always evaluates to true and appears as the final choice at the end of each row and column. You can complete values for the Default row or leave them blank.

Completing a cell

If you completed a list of literal constant values on the Configuration tab, select one of those values for each cell.

Otherwise, enter an expression in the cell — a constant, a property reference, a function call, or other expression. For guidance while entering expressions, click the Expression Builder to start the Expression Builder. (You can enter complex expressions and use the Expression Builder only if the Allowed to Build Expressions? check box is selected on the Configuration tab.)

If a cell is blank but is selected by the runtime evaluation, the system returns the null value as the value of the map value.

Cascading map values with Call

One map value cell can reference another map value as the source of its value. Type the word call followed by the name (the second key part) of another map value with the same first key part. SmartPrompt is available. Click the Open icon to open the other map value.

If, at run time, this map value executes in a backward-chaining mode (that is, the AllowMissingProperties parameter of the Property-Map-Value method is True), the called map value also executes in this mode.