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Pre-import action properties

Use metadata properties to create pre-import action steps that run before every import attempt. The metadata for the incoming archive, for example, the archive name, the list of all the rules it contains, and so on, is available to the pyPreImportCollection rule from properties on the embedded page pxArchiveMetadataPage.

General properties

These properties are included in pxArchiveMetadataPage.

Property name Type Description
pxMissingDBNames ValueList Names of the databases in the archive that are missing from the current schema
pxInvalidDBNames ValueList Names of invalid databases in the archive
pxNewDBNames ValueList New Data-Admin-DB-Names in the archive being inserted into the current schema
pxExistingDBNames ValueList Existing Data-Admin-DB-Names in the archive being inserted into the current schema
pxMissingPrerequisites ValueList Missing dependent rulesets
pxSQLStatements ValueList SQL statements that will be executed when the archive is imported
pxCodeJarNames ValueList Code .jar files in the archive
pxHandles ValueList Key property (pzInsKey) for the achive
pxRuleTypes ValueList Class name (pxObjClass) for the archive
pxCodeSetVersion Text Code set version of the archive
pxCodeSetName Text Code set name of the archive
pxArchiveLength Integer Length of the archive

Missing product dependency and hotfix dependency properties

Product and hotfix depencies required by the incoming archive that are not available on the system are listed in the page list pxMissingProductDependecies , of type Embed-Rule-Admin-Product-Dependencies. Each row in the page list has the following properties.

Property name Type Description
pyDependentObjClass Text Object class of the missing product dependencies for the archives
pyDependentProductName Text Product name of the missing product dependencies for the archive
pyDependentProductVersion Text Product version of the missing product dependencies for the archive
pyHotfixID Text The ID of the missing hotfix for the archive

Missing non-rule-resolved-rule properties

Rules that are required by the incoming archive that are not available on the system are listed in the page list pxMissingNRRRs , of type Embed-MissingNonVersionedRules. Each row in the page list has the following properties.

Property name Type Description
pxRuleObjClass Text Object class of the missing non-rule-resolved instance in the archive
pxInstanceName Text Name of the missing non-rule-resolved instance in the archive
pxRuleSetName Text Ruleset name for the missing non-rule-resolved instance in the archive
pxInsKey Text The pxInsKey value for the missing non-rule-resolved instance in the archive

Data inventory instance properties

Data instances to be imported from the incoming archive are listed in the page list pxInventoryInstances of type Data-InventoryInstance. If the archive does not include any data-inventory instances, these properties are empty.

Each row in the page list has the following properties.

Property name Type Description
pxAppliesTo Text Class name that contains the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxCategory Text Category name for the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxCircumstanceDate Date Circumstance rule date for the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxCircumstanceProp Text Circumstance property for the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxCircumstanceType Text Circumstance property type, for example, text, date, Boolean
pxCircumstanceVal Text Circumstance value for the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxClassName Text Class name for the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxDateTime DateTime Date and time on which the data-inventory instance in the archive was created
pxInsName Identifier Data-inventory instance name in the archive
pxInsType Text Data-inventory instance type, for example, text, date, Boolean
pxKey Text The pzInsKey value for the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxOverideRuleSet Text Ruleset of any overridden data-inventory instance in the archive
pxRuleAvailable Text Specifies whether the data-inventory instance is available
pxRuleEnds Date Ruleset end date for the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxRuleSet Text Ruleset name and version number of the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxSetVersion Text Ruleset version of the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxRuleStarts Date Ruleset end date for the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxSetName Text Ruleset name of the data-inventory instance in the archive
pxUpdateOperator Text Operator performing the import. If there is no data-inventory instance in the archive, you cannot retrieve the operator ID.
pxSaveMode Text

Specifies how the Pega 7 Platform manages data in the data-inventory instance:

  • INSERT: insert new or changed data. Do not change the existing data.
  • UPDATE: Overwrite the existing data with the data from the archive.
  • DELETE: Delete the existing data and do not add any new data from the archive.
  • NOCHANGE: Make no changes to the data.
pyIsSelected TrueFalse Specifies whether the data-inventory instance is selected