You are here: User interface > Controls > Creating a control > Adding actions to a control

Adding actions to a control (Step 5 of creating a control)

The Behavior section of the control rule is where you can create Actions to define action sets that determine the behavior of a control.

An action set is a combination of an event and an action configured for a control. An event - a mouse click - triggers an action - refresh section.

For each action set, you must define at least one event and one action. You can define multiple events and actions within an action set and create multiple actions sets for a control.

Defining an action set

  1. In the Behavior section, click the Add a row icon below the first action set.
  2. Select an event:
    Mouse events

    Hover: hover the mouse pointer over a control

    Click, Double-click, Hover, Right-click: click a control

    Keyboard events

    Select a key such as Enter, or Up, Down, Left, or Right arrow, Esc key, Tab key, or any key on the keyboard.

    Other events

    Depending on the control, options may include

    Change: select or edit a value, or tab out of a field

    Focus: select or click a control

    Load: when element is loaded

  3. Select the action. In most cases you should choose from the default list of actions which will allow you to select display option or a property value.

Adding a when rule

This is optional since if this area is blank, the system always performs the action. To define a condition, click the Add a row icon. Select one of the when conditions in the drop-down list. Enter input parameters if required. When you click OK to close the dialog a condition icon appears in the condition column indicating that the behavior has an associated condition.

Enter another row if you want to use multiple conditions. Select either an "AND" or an "OR" operator for the second condition. You can add conditions using the operators of the same type. That is, if the first operator is "AND", all the following operators are "AND."

The conditions that appear in the drop-down list depend upon whether UI element is editable or read-only.

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