You are here: User interface > Controls > Creating a control > Setting size and appearance options

Setting size and appearance options

Use this area to design the appearance of read-only text or an editable control. Action controls do not use formats.

  1. Specify a size. Appears when the UI Element is Text Input.
  2. Set the minimum or maximum characters: Appears if the UI Element is Text Input or Text Area. THis step is optional. Enter a value that determines the minimum and maximum number of characters that can be entered in the text field or text area. You can designate either value as unlimited by leaving it blank.
  3. If you specify a maximum character limit in a Text Area, the Display Character Counter option displays. This determines whether a count of remaining characters displays at runtime. The counter decrements as the user types. Once the character limit is reached, additional characters are not accepted.
  4. Add a style: Select from a list of pre-created style for various work object types.
  5. Create a placeholder. Appears if the UI Element is Text Input, Text Area, Dropdown or Date Picker. Optional. The text disappears when the user enters a value. If no value is entered, the placeholder text reappears when the field loses focus. You can style Placeholder Text in the Skin.
  6. Add a tooltip (optional). Appears when Control Modes is Action or Editable/Read-Only (all UI Elements except Date Picker). Select a property value or enter a constant that contains a sentence or phrase identifying to users the purpose and function of the control.
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