The Application Development landing page gives you quick access to development activity information, such as the number and types of rules that are checked out, recent actions taken by operators, and weekly reports on the number of updated rules in your application stack.
Access it by selecting Designer Studio > Application > Development.
Click the Recent Actions tab to display a history of current and past changes to rules, derived from History-Rule records.
The initial display is reverse chronological, with most recent history records listed first. You can filter the display by doing any of the following actions.
Click View Deleted Rules to see a list of rules that were recently deleted and not subsequently restored.
Click the Checked Out Rules tab to identify rules that you have (or someone else has) checked out in the current application, or in all applications. Note the following.
You can filter the display by doing any of the following actions.
You cannot perform batch check-ins from this display; use the Show Checked Out facility.
Click the Weekly Rule Updates tab to view a line chart showing the number of rules changed in the rulesets that make up the current application, for the past eight weeks.
Each line corresponds to a ruleset. Below the chart, the numerical counts appear in tabular form. Use the slider control to adjust which weeks appear. Hover the mouse pointer where a line intersects a date to display the ruleset name and date.
Click the Developer Activity tab to view the counts of the number of check-ins of rules for the current application, by Operator ID. This information is derived from History-Rule- records.
Click any count or total to drill down to a list of the individual rules. In the detailed display, select a row to open a window and see detailed information about the rule (for example, the date it was last updated).