You are here: Designer Studio > Explorers > Recent Explorer

Recent Explorer

Access the Recent Explorer from the Explorer Panel to review your most recently opened cases, records, landing pages, wizard items, instance lists, and other forms. Each entry in this explorer is a link that opens the corresponding item in the Designer Studio work area.

The Recent Explorer helps you quickly navigate among items if you choose not to display your opened items as tabs in the Designer Studio work area.

You must have the pxUpdateRecents privilege to see items in the Recent Explorer. For pyCaseManager7 portal users, you can add an Access of Role to Object instance for the System-User-Recents class that grants this privilege.

Recent Explorer Entries

Each entry in this explorer is categorized and labeled as follows:

The top-level menu provides these additional actions:

You can filter entries by entering text in the Search box at the top of the Recent Explorer. Returned results are based on any text, such as name or short description, displayed in the explorer.

Recent Explorer results are automatically managed when you log out of Designer Studio. They do not change when you switch applications or work pools.