You can use the Case Manager portal to create a team. By organizing users into groups, you can increase productivity in your application.
In the Case Manager portal, click My Teams to open the Teams page.
Click Add team to open the Create team dialog box.
In the Name field, enter a unique team name.
In the About field, enter text that describes the purpose of the team.
In the Manager field, press the Down Arrow key and select the name of a user who supervises the work of the team.
Click Submit to add the team to the Teams page.
Add members to the team by performing the following steps:
Click the team name.
In the Members section, click Edit to open the Edit members dialog box.
In the field that is displayed, press the Down Arrow key and select the name of a user to add to the team.
Click Add to update the list of team members.
You cannot remove team members when they belong to only one team.
Click Submit to close the Edit members dialog box.
Optional: To route assignments to places other than the default work queue, add a different work queue to the team.
In the Work queues panel, click + Add new.
In the field that is displayed, press the Down Arrow key and select the name of a work queue.
Click outside the Work queues panel to save your changes and display the number of tasks, or assignment, that are in the work queue.
You cannot remove a work queue from your application if it contains assignments.
After you create a team, you can modify it, the profiles of your team members, and your work queues.