You can use an ad hoc case to capture business exceptions in a case. By creating a child case, you can continue processing the parent case without changing the structure of your case-type hierarchy.
For example, you can use an ad hoc case to request more information from a candidate, based on the results of a phone interview.
Use the Quick Create feature located the on My Cases header. The operator enters a name in the text field and clicks the Quick Create button. By default, the work is routed to the current operator. There are no overall case goals or deadlines.
Select a case on the Case Manager portal My Cases and using the Create Ad Hoc Case right-click menu to create an ad hoc child case. Operators can add these child cases to other ad hoc cases and child cases.
Select Create Ad Hoc Case from the Other actions menu.
Select Create a Task from the Action menu on a Pega Pulse post.
When an operator invokes the action, the following fields on the Create Ad Hoc Case dialog, or the user form action area appear.
Enter values for:
Name — The name of the case. The name appears on the Case Manager portal and on user forms.
Description — Optional. Provide a text description of the work that will be done.
Routing — Select the routing of the work.
Me — Default. The worklist of the current operator.
Operator — The worklist of another operator in the current operator's work pool.
Workbasket — A work queue referenced in the current application.
Service Level — Optional. Define the overall Goals and Deadlines for this case.
After completing the fields, the operator clicks Create.
The Create Ad Hoc Case action invokes the standard pyCreateAdhocCase flow action, which you can apply to a flow or any local action.
After creating an ad hoc case, the operator adds tasks by opening the Ad Hoc Case Dashboard assignment and clicking the Add Tasks icon. This opens the Create Tasks flow action(pyCreateAdHocTasks).
Click Add Item to add a row and create the first task. The operator edits the following fields:
Assign To −Selects the operator who will perform the task. By default, it is the operator adding the task.
Instructions − Enters a text description of the task that will be performed.
Deadline − Enters or uses the calendar control to specify the task's deadline. The default is one business day from the current date. The deadline cannot occur before the default.
Optional: Click Add Item again to add a second task. Each additional item is processed in sequence, starting from the first task. The second deadline defaults to one business day from the first task's default deadline. The third task's deadline is one day from the second task's default, and so on.
When finished, the operator clicks Submit. The first task appears on the form's action area and on the Case Contents assignment list.
If a user adds more than one task in the Create Tasks flow action, the assignments are processed iteratively. When one task is completed, the next task on the list becomes the open assignment.
The tasks are processed in the order they were entered regardless of the deadline dates.
The Create Tasks flow action is also available, by default, from an ad hoc user form's Actions menu. Operators can employ the Other Actions menu to create additional tasks while working in a task's user form. The new tasks are processed independent of the ones previously defined in the case.