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Email Listener form – Completing the Properties tab

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Use the Properties tab to specify how to retrieve email messages and which email service rules to use for routing.

If you make changes to an existing listener, you must stop and re-start the service for the changes to take effect.

Listener nodes

Operating a listener on multiple nodes can increase throughput.

Email Account

Listener Properties

Service information

Requestor Login


The optional Remote Logging feature streams the contents of the Pega log file to the LogFactor5 application installed on your workstation.

After you add your workstation as an active logger by selecting Logging and Tracing > Remote Logging from the menu in the System Management application, your workstation receives all messages for all processes running on the server. If you want to view only those log messages that are about the service rule this listener listens for, complete the fields in this section. Remember to start the LogFactor5 window on your workstation before updating this form to identify your workstation as a logger.

Startup status

About email listener data instances