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JMS Listener form – Completing the Listener Properties tab

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Use the Listener Properties tab to configure listener processes that wait for JMS messages received from an external system. After you complete this tab and save the JMS Listener form, you can click the Test Connectivity button to confirm that you can connect to the JNDI server and then to the JMS producer identified.

Listener Nodes



Start Option

Select to control how listeners start:

  • Run on all nodes — The listener is run on all nodes — all servers in a cluster.
  • Node based startup — The listener is started only on specified nodes.
  • Host based startup — The listener is started on a specified number of nodes on specific servers within the cluster.
  • NodeClassification based startup — The listener is started on the specified node types.
Node ID

Appears when the Node based startup option is selected. In a multinode cluster, using the SmartPrompt, enter the node ID of the server host node or nodes where this listener will run. When your server starts, it activates the listener on the current node if the current node matches any node in the list (and if other requirements are met).

  • If a node is specified, the current node must match a name in the list to activate the listener.
  • If a node is not specified, the listener is activated on each node.

When multiple JMS listeners tend the same directory, the order in which messages are processed may not be the order in which they were put into the directory. If your application relies on processing messages in the order in which they are sent, use a single listener on one node.

See More about JMS Listeners.

Host Name

Appears when the Server based startup option is selected. Enter the network location name of the host server on which the listener is to start.

Node Count

Appears when the Server based startup option is selected. Enter a number of nodes on which the listener is to start.

Node type Appears when the NodeClassification based startup option is selected. Select a node type from the list or click the Plus icon to add another node type to the listener.
Reset Startup

Deletes all the instances from the class Log-Connect-AssignedNodes, so that listeners can be started.

Listener Properties



Service Package

Select the first key part — Customer Package Name — of the set of Service JMS rules (Rule-Service-JMS rule type) that are to process arriving JMS messages. This listener ignores messages referencing other packages.

Service Class

Optional. Select the second key part — Customer Class Name — of one or more Service JMS rules within the package identified. This listener ignores messages that reference other classes within the package.

If this field is blank, the listener uses the PegaRULES_ServiceClass property in the request message as the second key part.

Service Method

Optional. Enter the third key part — Customer Method Name — of the Service JMS rule that will process the requests. This listener ignores messages that reference other methods within the Service Class and Service Package.

If this field is blank, the listener uses the PegaRULES_ServiceMethod property in the request message as the third key part.

Concurrent Threads

Identify the number of threads per server node that this listener creates when it starts.

Wait Interval (seconds)

Enter an interval in seconds to specify how often the listener pauses to determine whether to stop. Enter zero if the listener is never to pause to determine whether it stops.

Send error messages?

If selected, and a processing error occurs that is not handled by a configured response message, the listener sends or publishes an empty message that contains the error message in an application-specific JMS property.

Error messages can be sent only if the client application has set the JMSReplyTo header value in the request message. They are sent to the reply queue specified in that field.

This option is disabled if you select No Reply as the Preference on the JMS Properties tab.

Container Managed Transaction?

Used only for the condition described in the PDN article Using MQ and JMS services with Enterprise Application deployment.

Test Connectivity

Optional. After you complete this tab and save the data instance, click to confirm that your system can connect to the JMS Producer Model data instance.

The system presents test results in a separate window, identifying the parameters used in the test, the steps attempted, and the outcome of each step. (This capability is available only when JMS JAR libraries are installed on the current node. If not, a Java exception is thrown.)

(If the Blocked check box is selected when you click this button, testing ends with a Failed message.)

Requestor log-in



Requestor User ID

Optional. Identify an Operator ID data instance that service requestors are to use, unless they can operate as unauthenticated guest requestors.


Optional. Enter a password for the service requestor.


The remote logging feature streams the contents of the Pega log file to the LogFactor5 application installed on your workstation.

After you add your workstation as an active logger through the Logging and Tracing > Remote Logging menu item in the System Management application, your workstation receives all messages for all processes running on the server. To view only those log messages that are about the service rule this listener listens for, complete the fields in this section. Remember to start the LogFactor5 application on your workstation before updating this form to identify your workstation as a logger.

Remote Host

Optional. You can debug the listener using the remote logging feature. Enter the name of your workstation. See also How to install and use remote logging


Optional. Enter the TCP/IP port that the log4j package on your workstation listens on. By default this port is 8887.

Startup Status


Select to prevent this listener from being started by any means. If cleared, this listener starts with system startup, or can be started using the Listener Management menu item in the System Management application. See More about JMS Listeners.

About JMS Listener data instances