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About Service Package data instances

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Use a Service Package data instance to define a package name, define access for listeners, and support deployment of services.

Where referenced

The name you choose for this data instance is also used as the first key part of a set of service rules that are developed, deployed, and used together. (A service rule is an instance of a class derived from the Rule-Service- class.)

Create the Service Package data instance before creating any service rules with that package name. Later, after creating or modifying the corresponding service rules, access the Service Package data instance again and use the Methods and Deployment tabs to support deployment and client software development for the service.


Use the Records Explorer to review or create Service Packages in your system.


The Data-Admin-ServicePackage class contains service package data instances. This class is part of the Integration-Resources category.

Associated RuleSet

When you save a service package data instance, the system automatically associates it with the RuleSet of the Application rule for the current application. This association assists with application packaging. You can update the associated RuleSet using the field in the upper right corner of the form.

If there is no RuleSet associated with the data instance (for example, for existing instances not previously associated with a RuleSet), the Associated RuleSet displays [none].