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Agent schedule data instances – Completing the Schedule tab

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Scheduled Activities



Node Name

The server name of a node. Read-only.

Agent Name

The name of the agent. Copied from the agents rule. Read-only.


The Applies To class of the agent activity. Copied from the agents rule. Read-only.

Activity Name

The name of the agent activity. Copied from the agents rule. Read-only.


Specify the schedule type for the agent activity:

  • Periodic — The agent runs the activity and then sleeps for the number of seconds entered in the Interval column.
  • Recurring — The agent runs the activity based on a specified calendar schedule (for example, every Monday at 5:00 P.M.).
  • Startup — The agent runs the activity once at startup based on a specified parameter.

This value overrides the Pattern specified in the corresponding agents rule (from which this agent schedule was generated).

Interval (secs)

If the Pattern field is set to Periodic, enter the amount of time, in seconds, that the agent waits before starting (or restarting) this activity after the queue is empty. This value must be at least five seconds.

The value you enter in this field overrides the value specified in the corresponding agents rule.


If the Pattern field is set to Recurring, click Advanced to examine or modify the schedule in the Recurrence dialog box.

This information overrides the values entered for this field in the corresponding agents rule.


Enables or disables the agent.

This value overrides the Enabled setting specified in the corresponding agents rule.

Agent-Wide Settings



Enable this agent

Enables or disables all of the agents in the list that have their individual Enabled option selected. Select to enable; clear to disable.

The value of this option overrides the Enable this Agent option in the corresponding agents rule.

When the master agent initially creates an agent schedule instance, the value of this option is copied from the corresponding agent rule. If the agent rule's Enable this agent option is enabled, the corresponding agent schedule instance or instances are enabled and processing begins.

If agent processing produces a Java exception, in most cases, the exception details are added to the Pega log and the system clears this option, disabling the agent (on one node). You can restart the agent on this node by updating the Agent Schedule data instance or through the System Management application. Java Out-of-Memory (OOM) conditions — often temporary — do not cause such automatic disabling.

Interval (seconds)

The wake-up interval to use for agents whose Pattern is set to Periodic but do not have a value specified in their Interval fields. This value must be at least five seconds.

Agent Schedule data instances