To verify if an existing rule is either a base rule or a circumstance, open it in the Designer Studio and inspect the form header. Click the Circumstanced link to see circumstance values or an indication that the rule is a base version. The link does not appear if the existing rule is neither a base nor a circumstanced version.
To see all available circumstances for a given base rule, navigate to the rule in the Application Explorer. Use the expand icon next to the name of the base rule to display each of the circumstanced instances and their values.
Select Designer Studio> Process and Rules > Tools > Find Rules > Find by Circumstance to create a report comprising single-property and multiple-property circumstance rules. You can filter the report by searching on the following default circumstance properties: U.S. State Codes, Channels, and Customer Level. You can also search for circumstance rules by entering text used in key parts (Apply to or Identifier) in the Name Contains field.
For more information on how to report on circumstance rules, or how to add or change the circumstance property columns for the report, see the PDN article How to find rules with a specific circumstance.
Use the Data-Circumstance-Duplicates.CircumstanceMultiples.ALL report to identify single circumstance rules that incorrectly use two or more different properties. Such conflicts can arise when rules are imported into a rulesetthat already contains some circumstanced rules. To access this report, select Designer Studio > Application > Inventory > Inventory Reports. Enter Rule as the Category and circumstance as the search text.