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Constructing a sample

A sample is a subset of historical data that you can extract when you apply a selection or sampling method to the data source. A sample construction helps to construct development and (optionally) validation data sets for analysis and modeling.

  1. Select the weight field if present.

    Typically, a weight field is available when you sample the data before using it in the Analytics Center portal. If you do not specify the field, each case counts as one.

  2. In the Select the fields to sample grid, set the field type and define the fields that you want to include in the sample.

    You can select the NOT USED type if you do not want to use a particular field.

  3. Optional: In the User defined field, type a new name for the field.

  4. Optional: In the Description field, type a description.

  5. Select a sampling method.

  6. Define the sample percentage that you want to use for validation and testing.

  7. Click Next.

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