Use the Call instruction with the DSMPublicAPI-ADM.pxDeleteModelsByCriteria activity to delete all adaptive models that match the criteria defined by the parameters. You can use this method to set up an activity to regularly delete the models that you do not need.
Create an instance of the Activity rule by clicking Records Explorer > Technical > Activity.
In the activity steps, enter the Call DSMPublicAPI-ADM.pxDeleteModelsByCriteria method.
Click the arrow to the left of the Method field to expand the method and specify its parameters.
Optional: Select a check box to the right of a parameter to enable it.
You can point to individual parameters to view a tooltip with more information.
Also delete from the ADM data mart - Delete the corresponding models stored in the data mart.
Select by number of responses - Delete the models with a specific number of responses, for example, >= 1000, !=0, or >50.
Select by performance - Delete the models with a specific performance, for example, =100, or <50.
Model performance is expressed in Coefficient of Concordance (CoC), which has a range between 50 and 100. High CoC means that the model is better at predicting an outcome, low CoC means the outcome is not predicted well.
Select by rule name - Delete the models that were created by the specific adaptive model configuration.
Select by class - Delete the models that were created by the adaptive model configuration in the specified class.
Select by issue - Delete all models that were created for a specific issue in the action dimension.
Select by group - Delete all models that were created for a specific group in the action dimension.
Select by name - Delete all models that were created for a specific proposition in the action dimension.
Select by direction - Delete all models that were created for a specific direction in the channel dimension.
Select by channel - Delete all models that were created for a specific channel in the channel dimension.
Number deleted - An output parameter that you can use to pass the number of models deleted when you run the activity.
Rule name, class, parameters that correspond to the action dimension, and parameters that correspond to the channel dimension always take the value of the corresponding configuration parameters. When these parameters are enabled, an empty value is interpreted as a wildcard.
Click Save.