You are here: Decision Strategy Manager > Customer Movie > Creating an event type in the Event Catalog

Creating an event type in the Event Catalog

You can create multiple events in the Event Catalog to collect customer data from specific data sources (Data set or Report definition) and store it in the Event Store data set. You can retrieve this data to get information about customer interactions and display them in an events feed that you add to your user interface.

  1. Click Designer Studio > Decisioning > Infrastructure > Customer Movie> Event Catalog.
  2. On the Event catalog tab, click New.
  3. Click Create to start the New Event Type wizard.
  4. Click Create to submit the Event Catalog configuration.

When you finish creating an event type, an instance of a Data Flow rule (<event name>CMF) is generated. The source of this data flow is the event source that you configured in the first step of the New Event Type wizard and the destination is the Event Store data set.