You are here: Decision Strategy Manager > Proposition Management > Copying groups from the built-on application

Copying groups from a built-on application

Copy business issues and groups across applications to reuse existing propositions. You can copy resources from built-on applications going one level down the application stack. This copy option gives you more flexibility and control when you define business issues, groups, and propositions.

  1. Click Designer Studio > Decisioning > Decisions > Proposition Management > Copy proposition groups.

  2. Click Copy groups.

  3. On the From application list, select an application from which you want to copy groups.

  4. Select a business issue.

  5. In the Hierarchy list, do one of the following actions:

  6. In the Select groups to copy section, select groups to copy into your application.

  7. Select if you want to copy the groups into a ruleset or a branch.

  8. Click Copy groups.

    If the Proposition Management landing page is open, refresh it to see the changes. If you copied groups into a branch, reopen the Proposition Management landing page to see the changes.