You are here: System operations > Apache Ignite client-server clustering topology > Installing Pega Platform in Apache Ignite client-server mode

Installing Pega Platform in Apache Ignite client-server mode

You can install Pega Platform in client-server mode, which uses Apache Ignite, to obtain higher stability in large clusters. Client-server mode also supports the ability for servers and clients to be separately scaled up.

  1. Install Pega Platform on your system by following the appropriate Pega Platform Installation Guide up to the deploying and starting Pega Platform on your application server.

  2. Before you configure the application server, open additional ports in the range of 47100-47109 for Apache Ignite stand-alone server communication.

  3. Deploy and start the Apache Ignite servers. For more information, see Deploying and starting the Apache Ignite servers.

  4. Modify the prconfig.xml file to switch to Apache Ignite client-server mode from the default embedded Hazelcast mode.

    The new settings switch the Apache Ignite cluster protocol and force the Pega Platform node to start in client mode.

  5. Continue with the Pega Platform installation by deploying and starting Pega Platform.