You are here: System operations > High availability > Quiesce


Quiesce provides the ability to gracefully take a Pega Platform server out of service for maintenance or other activities. During quiesce, active users are seamlessly migrated to an active node when the quiescing node is no longer available.

You can quiesce a server using one of the following methods:

To switch between slow drain and immediate drain:

  1. Update the value of the session/ha/quiesce/strategy prconfig setting to be either "slowDrain" or "immediateDrain".
  2. Restart the server.

When using the immediate drain method to perform quiesce on a node, any operator can access a quiesced server for root cause analysis or remediation, regardless of their user role or privileges. For quiesced server access when using the slow drain method, you must still include either the PegaRULES:HighAvailabilityAdministrator or PegaRULES:HighAvailabilityQuiesceInvestigator user role in a user's access group. Administrators using the slow drain method without either of these user roles are exiled from the quiesced node and are redirected to an active node.