Tracing and capturing events
After you have configured the trace conditions, you can begin tracing and capturing events. As you perform the work that you want to trace, the Tracer displays the traced events according to the selected trace conditions. Each event is a row in the Tracer window.
- On the developer toolbar, click Tracer or click Actions > Trace on an activity, data transform, or service rule form.
- Click Play to start tracing.
- Move or minimize the Tracer window so that you can see the Designer Studio to perform the work that you want to trace.
- Perform the work that you want to trace, or when tracing a requestor session other than your own, wait for the system to perform the work in that session.
- If you have set a breakpoint for an activity, and the activity starts, the Tracer window acquires focus. Click Continue to resume tracing. Tracing automatically resumes after one hour.
- Optional: To remove a breakpoint:
- Click Breakpoints.
- Select the Remove checkbox.
- Click Remove.
- If the value of a watch variable changes, the Tracer window acquires focus and the Property Inspector is displayed in the lower left of the window.
To view the full Property Inspector display, place your pointer at the line until a yellow arrow appears and drag the dispaly up. The following fields are displayed:
Reference – Specifies the page and property being watched.
Old Value – If you clicked Continue and the Tracer finds that the value has changed, the previous value is displayed.
Current Value – Displays the current value of the property.
- Click Continue to resume tracing. Tracing automatically resumes after one hour.
- Optional: To end the watch:
- Click Watch.
- Select the Remove check box
- Click Remove.
- Click Pause to stop tracing.
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