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Working with the License Compliance facility

Pegasystems provides a Master License framework that applies to many customer installations of the Pega Platform. Your system includes facilities that you can enable to monitor system usage, reported in several categories. Reports from these facilities can provide evidence that usage remains within the parameters established in your license.

The License Compliance system operates automatically using default parameters that are appropriate in many cases. This facility does not restrict your use of the system and does not affect system performance. Do not create or update the Data-Admin-License or Data-Admin-System facilities except as advised by Pegasystems Global Customer Support.


The License Compliance facility provides a flexible framework for collecting usage data that in summary can provide evidence about past usage of a production Pega Platform system. A background process known as the License daemon logs statistics each hour, which are automatically summarized at the start of each day, and further summarized for a month, quarter, or other period. Standard reports are available for each level.

In a clustered, multinode Pega Platform system, the facility reports on consolidated usage across all nodes. The number of nodes, or the power of each server node does not affect the data. You can add, remove, start, or stop nodes with no affect on compliance.

Unlike license facilities in some software, this feature does not act as a key or trigger that enables or disables features of the system. Its primary purpose is to assist you in providing statistical evidence of compliance. Setting this feature up incorrectly — or even failing to set it up at all — does not disable, limit, or alter other operations of your system.

How use of your system is classified for license compliance reporting is in most cases an important factor. For example, it is important to understand how the terms regular user, invocation, and occasional user are defined for your company, and to make the settings in your system match the terms of your license agreement. These affect peak counts during a measurement period, typically a calendar month).

Use is classified by characteristics of authenticated requestors, in two broad groups:

The precise definition of these and related terms depends on your own license agreement. However, using the default definitions, Named users are subdivided into regular and occasional where a regular user is logged in and using the system to accomplish work during at least 4 one-hour intervals for at least one day during the measurement period.

These designations apply only to a specific period; a user may be a regular user during one month and an occasional user in other months. (In addition, anyone who can update rules and logs on at all during the measurement period — determined by the Allow rule check out? box on the Security tab of the Operator ID form — or who has created, modified or deleted a rule during the period may be counted as one regular user, if so specified in the contract license terms.)

Similarly, invocations are divided into Web users — who use Directed Web access or access the Pega Platform only through services such as portlets — and system-based users. Each completed interaction or service request that performs processing work (as defined) counts as an invocation. Queries and read-only processing typically do not count as invocations.


These input elements control the operation of this facility:

1. Creating the License data instance

On request, Pegasystems will send you a license key that contains information tailored to your contract terms.Using the license key information, complete a License Compliance data instance. The data you enter on the Import tab is copied to the Summary and License tabs when you save the form. For details on this form, see About License Compliance data instances.

For testing purposes, you can create more than one License Compliance data instance, but only one is in force.

2. Activation

To activate a license compliance data instance:

  1. Open the System instance (Data-Admin-System)
  2. Enter the key of the data instance in the License parameters name field.
  3. Save the form.
  4. Stop and restart the system. Data collection by the license daemon begins in accord with the parameters in the License Compliance data instance.

If the License Compliance facility is enabled but the License parameters name field is blank or references a non-existent License Compliance data instance, data collection occurs using default parameters.

3. Setting Operator ID values

For each Operator ID instance, the value of the License Type field (on the Security tab) may have a significant affect on data collection and to Named or Invocation as appropriate. Review and set this field carefully, for each Operator ID instance is use. Generally, choose:

Reports and compliance monitoring

To view summary statistics at the period level — typically a month — Select one of the four menu options within the Designer Studio> System > License menu on the Designer Studio.

Throughout the License Compliance facility, users are identified by Operator ID. Through settings on the License Compliance form, you can specify additional facts about a user (through properties added to each record) for reporting purposes.