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Configuring the Email channel

You can configure the Email channel in your application by creating different channel interfaces. By configuring an Email channel, you use it as a Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant in your application to route email content and to create top-level cases.

The Email channel uses advanced email handling capability to automatically route the content of received emails in the application. By defining routing conditions that use email header metadata, and text analysis entities, categories and sentiment information, you enable the Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant automatically determine whether to route the received email content to operators, work queues, and whether to open top-level cases. You can also configure multiple email accounts to act as the Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant for the application.

You must purchase a separate license before using Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Email in your application.

  1. In Designer Studio, click the name of your application and click Channels and interfaces.

  2. In the Create new channel interface section, click Email.

  3. In the Email channel name field, enter a name for the channel interface.

  4. Optional: To distinguish this channel interface from other channel interfaces that use the Email channel, enter short text in the Description field that describes the purpose of the channel interface.

  5. In the Email handling section, click +Add email account and select an email account to act as the Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant. It must not be associated with another channel interface or case type.
  6. Optional: Repeat step 5 to define additional email accounts to act as the Pega Intelligent Virtual Assistant for the application.
  7. Set up routing conditions for automatic email handling.
  8. Click Save.