You are here: Project delivery > Specifications and requirements > Creating specifications > Add/Edit Specification modal dialog

Add/Edit Specification modal dialog

You can launch the Add/Edit Specification modal dialog by clicking the + Create specification button at the top of the specifications table, or by clicking on any entry (row) in the table.

Only specifications in unlocked ruleset versions can be modified. If you launch this modal dialog by clicking on a specification that is in a locked ruleset version, the fields display in read-only mode.

The Add/Edit Specification modal dialog has the following fields:

The information on the Details tab describes how a specification is processed and provides supporting information, such as business objectives and business impact. Complete the following information:

The Implementations tab displays all of the rules that implement the specification. The following information is provided about the rules that implement the specification:

You cannot save duplicate or invalid entries. Remove duplicate and invalid entries before submitting your changes.