Viewing specifications by complexity, impact, and business objective
Business sponsors, program managers, and other project stakeholders need to ensure that only the project scope that impacts business objectives is built. They also need to manage scope change.
The dashboard on the Analysis tab of the Application Profile landing page shows visual representations of:
- Specification counts by complexity and business impact.
- Implementation progress of specifications linked to each business objective.
- Click Application to select the application, or applications, for which you want to view specification data.
- Filter by Release and Iteration.
- On the Specifications by complexity and impact chart, click the number in any section to open the Report Viewer and get detailed information on specifications meeting that filter criteria.
A count for specifications without a complexity or business impact is displayed as a warning. Click the number in the warning message to get detailed information about those specifications.
- In the Specifications implemented by business objective section, each row includes a business objective and counts for implemented and not-implemented specifications. Click Show data to view detailed information about the business objectives and associated specifications.
A count for specifications without an associated primary business objective is displayed as a warning. Click the number in the warning message to get detailed information about those specifications.
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