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DevOps pipeline

DevOps is a culture of collaboration by development, quality, and operations teams to address issues in their respective areas. To sustain progress and bring continued improvement, tools and processes are put in place. These processes are typically implemented by using a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.

Use DevOps practices such as CI/CD to quickly migrate application changes from development through testing to deployment on your production system.

In the DevOps pipeline, you break down code into pieces and automate testing tasks, so that multiple teams can work on the same features and achieve faster deployment to production.


Pega Platform developers use Agile practices to create applications and commit the changes into branches in a shared development environment. Automated and manual testing provides rapid feedback to developers so that they can improve the application.

Continuous integration

With continuous integration, application developers frequently check in their changes to the source environment and use an automated build process to automatically verify those changes. Continuous integration identifies issues early in the cycle. Use a continuous integration tool, such as Jenkins with the prpcServiceUtils tool and the Execute Tests service to automatically generate a potentially deployable application. You can also export application archives to a binary repository such as JFrog Artifactory or Amazon S3.

Continuous delivery

With continuous delivery, application archives run through rigorous automated regression testing and are deployed to a staging environment for further testing to ensure a high confidence that the application is ready to deploy on the production system.

Use a continuous integration tool, such as Jenkins with the prpcServiceUtils tool to deploy the packaged application to test environments for regression testing or for testing of performance, compatibility, acceptance, and so on. At the end of the continuous delivery stage, the application is declared ready to deploy to the production environment.


After an application change passes the testing requirements, use a continuous integration tool, such as Jenkins and the prpcServiceUtils tool to migrate the changes into production after complete validation through automated testing on the staging system.

For more information about DevOps see the PDN article DevOps release pipeline overview.