You are here: Reference > Rule types > Applications > Integration and security tab of the Application form

Integration & security tab on the Application form

Use this tab to secure changes to your application, configure content management and enable content security. Optionally configure the application for Federated Case Management and project management.

Select Require password to update application if you want users to enter a password to update the application rule, and click Update password to set the password.

Content management for cases

Optional. Use these fields to configure your application to access content from, or store content in, an external CMIS repository or web storage provider. Pega Platform supports various EMC systems, such as Alfresco, Microsoft SharePoint, and EMC Documentum, as CMIS repositories, and systems such as Box and SharePoint Online as web storage providers.


Content storage



Store in Pega database (default) Select this option to enable the storage of case and Pulse attachments in the default database for the Pega Platform.
Store in CMIS repository Select this option to enable the storage of case attachments in a CMIS repository. Complete the following fields:
Connector name Select or create a Connect CMIS rule that will be used to connect to the CMIS system.
Root level folder Click Browse to select the folder location in the CMIS system to store case attachments for this application.
Store in web storage provider

Select this option to enable the storage of case and Pulse attachments in an external web storage provider. Complete the following fields:


Select the web storage provider that you want to use for storing content from the list of installed storage providers.

Authentication profile

Select or create an Authentication Profile data instance of type OAuth 2.0 for a web storage provider that will be used to authenticate the connection with the provider.

You must use the same authentication profile to store content in and source content from the web storage provider.

Target folder

Click Browse to select the folder location in your web storage provider account to store case and Pulse attachments for this application.

If you are connecting to your web storage provider account from this application for the first time, you may be prompted to authenticate and authorize the connection with your web storage provider.

Prompt users for confirmation before deleting content from repository Select this check box to enable the option to remove attachments from cases while retaining the content in the CMIS repository or web storage provider. When selected, the user is given the option to choose whether to remove the attachment from only the case or to remove it from both the case and the web storage provider. When cleared, the attachment is removed from both the case and the web storage provider. This check box is cleared by default.

Content sourcing



Source from CMIS repository

Select this check box to allow the browsing and selection of content in a CMIS repository for case attachments. Complete the following field:

Label for 'Upload CMIS content' menu item

Enter a description for the menu item that you will see when you add case attachments from a CMIS repository to a case. If this field is empty, the system uses the default value.

Source from web storage provider Select this check box to allow browsing and selecting content in a web storage provider for case and Pulse attachments. Complete the following fields:

Select the web storage provider to use from the list of installed providers.

Authentication profile

Select or create an Authentication Profile data instance of type OAuth 2.0 for a web storage provider that will be used to authenticate the connection to the web storage provider.

You must use the same authentication profile to store content in and source content from the web storage provider.


Enter a description for the menu item that you will see when you add case or Pulse attachments from your web storage provider to a case. If this field is empty, the system uses the default value.

Add Click Add to add another web storage provider for sourcing content.

Agile Workbench integration

You can configure Agile Workbench to integrate with Pega Agile Studio so that bugs and user stories that you create in Agile Workbench synchronize with Pega Agile Studio.

Click Configure integration to integrate with Pega Agile Studio. On the PDN, Pega Exchange provides components that you can download and install to support integration with other project management tools, such as JIRA and CA Agile Central.

For more information, see Integrating Agile Workbench with Pega Agile Studio.

Content security

You can select an existing Content Security Policy from the options provided, or create one by clicking the icon to the right of the field.

Set the mode to specify what the system does when a policy is violated: