You are here: Integration > Integration Connectors category > Connect CMIS rules > Connect CMIS form - Completing the Service tab

Connect CMIS form – Completing the Service tab

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Use the Service tab to identify the external content management system with which this connector rule communicates.




CMIS Provider

Select a provider that is already configured or select “other” to configure a custom CMIS provider.

Server type

Select either the Atom or SOAP server type protocol depending on the configuration of your CMIS provider.

Server URI

Enter or modify the URI for your CMIS provider host.

Authentication profile Select or create an authentication profile that has the credentials required to connect to your CMIS provider.





Enter the number of milliseconds after which this rule times out with a failure message if no response arrives from the external system. By default the Timeout setting is 30000 milliseconds. Enter zero to wait indefinitely. Timeout cannot be a negative number.

This field is disabled and ignored at runtime when the Intended for field is set to queuing.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=.PageName.PropertyName). The default property name for this field is pyTimeout. For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.




Repository Name

Select the specific repository in the external content management system to connect to.

Repository ID

Displays the unique identifier for the selected repository.

Testing and simulations



Test Connectivity

After you complete and save this rule, click to test whether Pega Platform can connect to the external system.

The system presents test results in a separate window, identifying the parameters used in the test, the steps attempted, and the outcome of each step.


Click to create a simulator for this connect rule. See Creating connect simulators.