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Connect dotNet form – Completing the Request tab

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Configure the data mapping for the outgoing SOAP message on the Request tab. Use the Request Headers section to specify the data needed (if necessary) for the SOAP envelope header. Use the Request Parameters section to specify the data for body of the SOAP message.

The data types of the outgoing parameters can be any of the primitive data types specified in the W3C XML Schema standard. If you used Connector and Metadata wizard to generate the connector rules and the WSDL file you identified defines its own complex types, the data type for the parameter is XML Page, indicating that the outgoing parameter is an XML object.

Request Headers

Use this section to map values for SOAP headers. The data type of a SOAP header is an element (an instance of the W3C DOM object org.w3c.dom.Element). The value of a SOAP header must be well-formed, namespace-qualified XML, typically generated by an XML Stream rule. If your application requires SOAP headers that conform to a WS-Security format rather than using HTTP Basic authentication, you can define that header content here.

See also PDN article How to map a SOAP Header in the request message of a SOAP connector.



Request Headers  

Enter the external name of the SOAP request header.


Enter a text description.

Map From

XML Stream is the only option. Information for a SOAP request header must be a W3C DOM object generated by an XML Stream rule.

Map From Key

Enter the Stream Name — second key part — of the appropriate XML Stream rule. The system uses the Applies To class of this SOAP connector rule as the first key part of the rule.

Request Parameters



Request Parameters  
Data Type

Select the XML schema data type of the external value you are mapping. Select any primitive data type in the W3C XML Schema standard. See How to complete mapping details for SOAP and dotNet connectors for details about data types.

The XML Page data type indicates that the parameter is an XML object with a schema described by the data transform specified on the Advanced tab and that this connector rule was generated by the . You cannot use the XML Page data type for a connector rule that you created without using the .

Select the XML Literal data type if the parameter is an XML object and you want to map the actual (literal) XML from an XML stream rule or from a single-value text property. In this case, specify Axis2 on the Advanced tab. For more information, see More about SOAP Connectors.

If the SOAP operation style is document-literal and you are creating this rule manually, you can either specify simple argument-property mapping entries for the values in the message or use the XML Literal data type.


Enter the external name of the request parameter.


Enter a text description for this row.

Map From

Specify the source or the type of source of the value in Pega Platform. The choices that appear in the selection list depend on the data type specified in the Data Type field:

  • Clipboard — The source is a property on the clipboard.
  • Constant — The source is a fixed value that does not change.
  • XML Stream — The source is a stream of XML data formatted by an XML Stream rule.
  • HTML Stream — The source is a stream of HTML data formatted by an HTML rule.

If more choices appear, they each identify a custom function rule in a MapFrom library. Review the function rule to determine what it does.

Map From Key

Specify the key to locating the property or rule in the source specified in the Map From field:

Map From



Enter the name of the property. The name can include the name of the clipboard page or a keyword that specifies the clipboard page reference that is the source of the data. If the set the data type to XML Page, the property is a Page mode property.

You can use a linked property reference to identify the property containing the value.


Enter a literal text string. To include blank spaces in your text string, surround the string with double quotes.

XML Stream

Enter the Stream Name (second key part) of the appropriate XML Stream rule. The system uses the Applies To class of this connector rule as the first key part of the XML rule.

HTML Stream

Enter the Stream Name (second key part) of the appropriate HTML rule. The system uses the Applies To class of this connector rule as the first key part of the HTML rule.

a function rule from a MapFrom library

Either select the property that holds the value to be processed by the function or leave this field blank, as appropriate for the function.