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Connect File rules – Completing the Service tab

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Complete this tab to identify the file name, location, and other characteristics of the connector.

File System



Destination Path

Enter a full path to an existing output directory. For example, if the Pega Platform server is hosted on Windows, you can enter C:\temp. If the server is hosted on UNIX-based operating system, you can enter /tmp.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=PageName.PropertyName). For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

File Name

Optional. Enter a file name and optionally a file type (extension) that is valid for the server platform.

This field is required unless this Connect File rule is to download a work item file attachment. In that case, leave the File Name blank. The output file has the same name as the work item attachment.

This field supports the Global Resource Settings syntax (=PageName.PropertyName). For more information, see Using the Global Resource Settings feature.

If File Already Exists

Select to control runtime results when a file already exists:

  • Fail — To end the connector operation.
  • Append — Append output to the end of the existing file.
  • Overwrite — Replace the existing file.

Select to to insert a BOM (byte order mark) at the start of the text file. A BOM is recommended if CSV file data are intended to be exported by Excel.

File Connection Handling



Keep File Open

Your application can create the contents of the output file with a single execution of the Connect-File method, or with multiple executions. See Connect-File method.

Select this check box to allow the file to remain open for additional output. Include in the processing sequence a final use of the Connect-File method that closes the file.

Error Handling



Status Value Property

Identify a property to hold the outcome status rule. You can use a default property @baseclass.pyStatusValue or another Text mode Single Value property. The literal value Good identifies success.

Status Message Property

Identify a property to hold an outcome status message. The default value is @baseclass.pyStatusMessage.

Test Connectivity

After you save the Connect File form, click to confirm that the server hosting the Pega Platform has write access to the directory. ( No files are written by this operation.).

About Connect File rules