Components in this category add information and value to strategies.
Group By components set strategy properties using an aggregation method applied to properties from the source components. The Properties tab of this component allows you to define the aggregation operations.
So that you can use the results of a list of elements, the Group output rows by setting is available in this component. The properties that can be used to group the results are properties listed in the Strategy Properties tab; that is, properties of Data-pxStrategyResult and properties available to the strategy depending on its applicability in the context of the proposition hierarchy. For example, selecting grouping by .pyName allows you to obtain the list of results for each proposition name.
Iteration components perform cumulative calculations based on the settings defined in the Parameters tab.
Iteration components operate in two modes:
Financial calculation components perform financial calculations using the following functions:
The Properties tab of this component allows you to define the calculation and select properties that provide the arguments for each financial function. The arguments that can be selected in the Target and Payments drop-down lists are strategy properties of type Decimal, Double or Integer.
If the value of the arguments is set through source components, the order of the components in the Source tab is important because it is directly related to the order of arguments considered by the function to perform the financial calculation.
Typically, the Payments argument should be a list of values and not a single value. So that you can use a list of values to provide the Payments argument, use a data import component to set properties that can be used by this component.