You are here: Reference > Rule types > Decision Trees > Debugging decision trees with the Tracer

Debugging decision trees with the Tracer

If your decision tree does not give you the results you expect and you cannot determine the problem by running the rule and examining the clipboard pages, run the Tracer tool. With the Tracer you can watch each step in the evaluation of a decision tree as it occurs.

Complete the following steps:

  1. Click Tracer on the developer toolbar in Designer Studio.
  2. In the Tracer window, click Settings.
  3. In the Event Types to Trace section, select Decision Tree.
  4. Select the ruleset that contains the rule to be traced. Clear the other rulesets to avoid memory usage from tracing events occurring in other rulesets.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Return to the main portal and run the decision tree.
  7. Watch the Tracer output as the rule runs.