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Flow Action form - Completing the Help Setup tab

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Optionally, you can create a button on the Perform form presentation of this flow action that lets the application user access a help window. At runtime, a help button appears on the action bar. Users can click to access a topic containing guidance, instructions, or reference information.

You can provide guidance to users who select this flow action as plain text in a pop-up window, or as an HTML-formatted window that may include fonts, colors, images, and links. Complete these fields to enable this feature and define the contents of the help window.




Optional. To provide a help topic for each flow action when presented on a Perform form selection box, enter a ToolTip text label for the help button.


Optional. Enter plain text for the pop-up help window here.

This field appears only when the Help Generation field is set to Define help. For more sophisticated help text, leave this field blank and use open authoring to compose an HTML topic.

Help Generation


  • Reference HTML to use an HTML rule that contains the help text.
  • Define Help to record the source HTML for help directly in this tab using open authoring.

This tab changes to reflect your selection.

HTML Reference

Optional. If you selected Reference HTML, identify the second key part — Stream Name — of an HTML rule that contains the instructions to appear. To find the HTML rule at runtime, the system uses the Applies To key part of this flow action as the first key part of the needed HTML rule.

Auto Generated Help

If you selected Define Help, select this box to generate a skeleton HTML fragment in the HTML Source text area. This provides a starting point for your authoring. Clear this box to prevent repeated auto-generation (which overwrites your changes).

Help Source

If you selected Define Help, edit the source HTML text in this text area. Create an HTML fragment that defines the runtime presentation of this flow action.

When you exit from the editor, the HTML text appears in the text area. Remember to save this flow action after you exit the editor.

Process category

About Flow Actions