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Data Transform form - Completing the Settings tab

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The Settings tab is displayed for the JSON data model format. Use the Settings tab to enable multidimensional array output and to specify the fields to skip during auto-mapping. You might want to skip fields that do not have meaning outside of the Pega Platform, such as pyObjClass.



Enable multidimensional array output

When selected, multidimensional array output is enabled. Select this option when auto-mapping is enabled and you have a Page List property with exactly one non-skipped property that has the same name as its parent. For this case, the Page List property will result in a multidimensional array in the JSON output. If Enable multidimensional array output is not selected, the Page List property is output as an array of objects. See the example below.

Date format for serialization

Select the output format to use when serializing a data page:

Pega API – When you select this option, the output is formatted as shown in the following example:

Date: 1996-07-26

Date Time: 1996-07-26T09:30:00.000Z

Time of Day: 09:30:00.000Z

Pega Internal – When you select this option, the output is formatted as shown in the following example:

Date: 19960726

Date Time: 19960726T093000.000 GMT

Time of Day: 093000

Fields to skip when auto-mapping Skipped fields are not processed during auto-mapping. Click Add field to add a field to the list.

Multidimensional array example

The following examples show the resulting JSON when the Enable multidimensional array output option is enabled and when it is not enabled for a Page List property with one non-skipped property that has the same name as its parent.

Multidimensional option enabled

Clipboard page                                          Resulting JSON
        .pxResults(1)                                          {
         .pxResults(1)                                          pxResults: [[{
         .Name = “John Smith”                                    Name: “John Smith”

In this example, the pxResults field in the JSON output has two array characters, denoting that the output is an array of arrays.

Multidimensional option disabled

Clipboard page                                          Resulting JSON
        .pxResults(1)                                          {
         .pxResults(1)                                          pxResults: [{
         .Name = “John Smith”                                    pxResults: [{
                                                                Name: “John Smith”

In this example, the output is an array of objects, where each element has a pxResults field.

About Data Transforms