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More about Parse Delimited rules

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  3. Parse Rules
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Evaluating a Parse Delimited rule

Service and connector forms may reference Parse Delimited rules in data mapping. When evaluating the service or connector, the system evaluates the Parse Delimited rule.


To debug a Parse Structured rule, include a Java step containing the PublicAPI call:

myStepPage.putString("debug3", Long.toString(parseState.getStreamOffset()) );

where debug3 is a Single Value property. This function places the byte offset position of the parseState Java object into a clipboard value that you can review with the Tracer or Clipboard tool.

Using the Tracer

To trace the start and end of Parse Delimited rule execution:

  1. Open the Tracer.
  2. Click Settings to open the Tracer Settings panel.
  3. Under the Rule Types to Trace section, select the Parse Rules check box.

See Configuring Tracer settings.

Monitoring performance

Through changes to the prconfig.xml file or Dynamic System Settings, you can be alerted to unusually long Parse Delimited executions as PEGA0011 alerts. See How to detect lengthy service operations.


The CSV (Comma Separated Values) file format is supported by Microsoft Excel and many other programs for simple interchange of flat-file data. If your application needs to import data from CSV files, a Service File rules can use a Parse Delimited rule. For an example, see PDN article How to parse a Comma-Separated-Values (CSV) file using a file service.

About Parse Delimited rules